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Thursday, December 16, 2010

132 5

guess what these neatly folded things, looking like atheistic paper art is?
132 5. by Issey Miyake
132 5. by Issey Miyake
132 5. by Issey Miyake
132 5. by Issey Miyake
132 5. by Issey Miyake

132 5 collection by issey miyake

unfold them
and you'll get a piece of architecture wrapping around your body as skin
a perfect installation of art, architecture and fashion
displaying on a human body

132 5. by Issey Miyake
132 5. by Issey Miyake
132 5. by Issey Miyake
132 5. by Issey Miyake
132 5. by Issey Miyake
132 5. by Issey Miyake

click here for an amazing video


you can buy the art in store now!

132 5. Issey Miyake by Tokujin Yoshioka

132 5. Issey Miyake by Tokujin Yoshioka


1 comment:

Alice said...

wow! pretty much awesome.

cool post! thanks for sharing, as always. can't wait to see what comes next!


ps love the layout/look of your blog .. how'd you get that? is this blogger?