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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

picture of their moms

My mom, in the backseat of a Trans Am, 1987.
—submitted by thirdeyecontact

This is my beautiful mother, Carole showing off the ring my father had bought for her in the late 1960’s.  I had always admired it in our photo album as a child, and after she died in 2007, it was the first one I put in a frame so I can look at it every day.  I miss my best friend so much, but I always feel better when I look at this picture. I love you mom…
—Submitted by torvickia

This is a photo of my mom that she developed and hand colored during the 70’s. She was living on a sailboat with her boyfriend at that time. She had so many great adventures; I hope one day I will too.
—submitted by bythewayandparenthetically

My mother, Mary Frances Hatman, was born in the small farming town of Pauls Valley, Oklahoma on December 7, 1923. The day she turned 18 was the same day of the Pearl Harbor attack. She vowed that she would do her part and soon became determined to join the Women’s Army Corp. At first she was refused for being entirely too thin and dismissed at once. She tried again later but still too thin. However, now the recruiting officer knowing she was truly wanting to join, gave her a big tip on how to gain some weight before she came back a month later to try again. “Eat lots of bananas” he told her. So she did, gained the appropriate weight and soon was able to go and serve Uncle Sam! She worked at the Pentagon during those heady war years and after the war she left for Mexico City to work at the US Embassy there to help administrate the newly begun GI bill which helped young soldiers further their college education. It was there that she met my Dad who worked for American Airlines and the two of them went on to have a family of eight children. She died in 1986 much too early at the age of 62 from breast cancer. I will always remember that brightness in her green eyes (her left eye doused with a sprinkling of rich brown freckles) and the excitement in her voice as she recalled those memorable times of patriotic service to her country, our beloved USA!
— submitted by Kathleen Haney

an inspiring blog with the photos of moms submitted by different people
more of that are the stories behind
telling about those great moms

love reading stories of others' lives
and i love old things which i think is the most inspiring things in the world

i got addicted


Thursday, December 16, 2010

132 5

guess what these neatly folded things, looking like atheistic paper art is?
132 5. by Issey Miyake
132 5. by Issey Miyake
132 5. by Issey Miyake
132 5. by Issey Miyake
132 5. by Issey Miyake

132 5 collection by issey miyake

unfold them
and you'll get a piece of architecture wrapping around your body as skin
a perfect installation of art, architecture and fashion
displaying on a human body

132 5. by Issey Miyake
132 5. by Issey Miyake
132 5. by Issey Miyake
132 5. by Issey Miyake
132 5. by Issey Miyake
132 5. by Issey Miyake

click here for an amazing video


you can buy the art in store now!

132 5. Issey Miyake by Tokujin Yoshioka

132 5. Issey Miyake by Tokujin Yoshioka


Tuesday, December 07, 2010


my friend keiko has her first booth in the art mart!
congratz xx

these muji chairs remind me of Kenzo

people's painting
on going painting with people painting the colours 
according to numbers marked up on the canvas!

romantic installation about water

park rules in hk

i wish we get more art fairs in hk
this Detour stuff is only held annually...

i feel so thirsty about going into more spaces
full of wonderful people who dedicate their time and thoughts to art & design

(cardigan: random; maxi dress: mee gee vintage; shoes: aerosoles; necklace: self-made)

Sunday, December 05, 2010

love land invaders

the first collaboration by Ralph Lagoi and Kate Lace
taking place in japanese love hotel
love the crazy setting up and the vibrant colours and the
"more is more" stuff

Saturday, December 04, 2010

irresistible pink

Screen shot 2010-11-29 at 2.19.00 PM

Screen shot 2010-11-29 at 2.19.32 PM

Screen shot 2010-11-29 at 2.20.18 PM

Screen shot 2010-11-29 at 2.22.07 PM

the crazily hot hot hot LITA will be in PINK for SS11!
do u heart it?

Friday, December 03, 2010


(blazor: petite hk; leopard shirt, ankle boot: random hk;
long skirt: vintage mee gee; bag: issey miyake tokyo)
(OH MY, i looked so tired...)

its been a long time i haven't posted any outfit photo
just becoz
i need to wear more or less formal at work now
you know,
i need my fd to take the picture for me
thats only possible when i have a day out with them
which is
rarely happening recently.
busy bee!

maxi dress is really the trend right now
i hate trend
i hate being seen to be catching up with trend which i m not

Friday, November 19, 2010

wildly fairy

recent purchases

vintage floral pleated maxi dress from mee&gee
leopard loafer from aerosoles

Sunday, November 07, 2010

a bit of this and that

patterns and textures today
(blouse: vintage, faux fur vest: random, bag: issey miyake)

pattern making class last night
wanna steal one of these mannequins home :P

Saturday, October 23, 2010

effortless chung

elle uk nov 2010

the best editorial in recent months

follow your heart

i had my first class for pattern making
yes, finally i stepped it out!

follow your heart
and make no regret in life

i m still young

how's your day? and your day dream?


this is what i wont get in my entire life
no matter what i do to attempt
how depressing!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

finding another half

they finally find each other
and live happily ever after

prada SS 2011 mens+womens rtw



i m more into those mens platforms
isn't it making more contrary between 
the embossing and the straw/foam platform?
the juxtaposition is really fun